College Planning Timeline
Ideally, the college planning process should begin when your child is in eighth or ninth grade. Starting the process this early allows your family plenty of time for thoughtful consideration and informed decision-making. It’s perfectly fine if your child hasn’t yet identified a particular career field of interest. We offer comprehensive career exploration tools that will help your student become familiar with relevant career options.
Use the following timeline as a general guide to keep your family on track with the college planning process. Do note that the process can vary from one student to the next. We’ll customize your student’s plan in accordance with his or her particular needs and the grade level at which your student enters our program.
8th to 9th Grade
Create an online account at Your Guidance Office and complete the personality profile.
Learn about the recommended career options and use our database of career exploration tools.
Speak with friends and family about their careers.
Take advantage of job shadowing opportunities.
Develop an academic plan for the rest of high school, including courses of relevance to career interests.
Join clubs and similar organizations, and participate in community service activities. Assuming a leadership role is a plus.
Use your online account at YGO to begin working on a resume.
Parents: Complete the preliminary Pre-FAFSA review.
10th Grade
Narrow the list of career possibilities and choose a broad career field. Take courses relevant to that career field.
Use your YGO account to fill out the Game Plan Survey.
Continue to look for additional job shadowing or internship opportunities in your selected field.
Use your account search tools and lists to begin exploring colleges that offer programs in your preferred field of study.
Develop your “Colleges I’m Thinking About” list with guidance from your YGO coach.
Periodically, check in with your high school guidance counselor to ensure you’re taking the necessary courses and are on track academically.
Continue to add to your resume, and continue to participate in extracurricular activities, preferably in leadership roles.
YGO initiates communication on your behalf with colleges on your list.
Post-10th Grade—Summer Vacation
Begin preparing for the PSAT.
If your school offers it to sophomores, take the PSAT.
11th Grade—Fall Semester10th Grade
Continue to participate in extracurricular activities and look for new community service opportunities.
Take advantage of any new job shadowing opportunities that become available, and begin looking for internships in your selected field.
Continue to update your resume.
Complete your PSAT test prep.
Take the PSAT in October.
Narrow your list of potential colleges down to no more than 12.
Begin test prep for the SAT/ACT tests.
In December, you’ll receive your PSAT test results and the answer key. Thoroughly review these materials.
11th Grade—Spring Semester
Continue to update your resume as you acquire new accomplishments and experiences.
Take the ACT and SAT for the first time.
Order the answer keys for the ACT and SAT.
Schedule campus tours of your top schools.
Meet with your high school counselor to plan senior classes.
Continue working at your community service and leadership positions.
Look for summer jobs and internships in your chosen field.
For students taking AP classes for college credit: Begin working on AP test prep.
Identify private scholarships, particularly those that offer recurring financial aid.
Finalize your college list using the application guide in your document library.
Request letters of recommendation from teachers, employers, internship supervisors, community service supervisors, etc.
Retake the ACT/SAT (if needed).
Start working on your personal statement essay for your college applications.
Post-11th Grade: During Summer Vacation
Put the finishing touches on your resume.
Schedule the remainder of your campus visits, if necessary.
Research your chosen schools, paying attention to the deadlines, scholarship application process, and application requirements for each school.
Begin organizing items for your application packets.
Research college application availability dates, additional scholarship application dates (internal), score submission dates, etc. Identify whether any colleges require additional essays. Add these requirements and due dates to your College Planning Calendar.
Submit essays, cover letters, and your resume to your YGO coach for review.
Follow up with the individual who completed your Pre-FAFSA review to determine if a final run is necessary.
Begin applications as they become available for early action or priority decision. (AZ: July 23rd/Common App: August 1st)
Check on application supplemental materials required by each school.
12th Grade—Fall Semester
Continue to complete and submit applications as they become available. Remember to keep a copy of each application for your records.
Submit your scores of ACT/SAT exams if you are done taking them. Pay special attention to test submission and other deadlines of individual colleges to ensure early action.
Check each school to determine whether they require a completed CSS Profile in addition or instead of FAFSA. (The CSS Profile is required by hundreds of private universities and colleges.)
Begin receiving acceptance and award letters. Celebrate your accomplishments! Submit copies of these notices to your YGO coach.
Schedule college interviews if they are required or recommended.
Request your FSA ID from FAFSA.
Verify that the schools have received your application.
Check with each school on any missing items (i.e. transcripts).
Check with each school for separate scholarship applications and application deadlines.
Send updated transcripts and other pertinent information to colleges.
File the FAFSA by October 1st.
Watch out for the SAR report and other financial communications.
12th Grade—Spring Semester
Evaluate all of your financial award offers and put together an appeal plan.
Complete appeal letters using the examples found in your YGO document library.
Send your appeal letters to your YGO coach for review, and then submit the finalized appeal letters.
Evaluate the appeal responses and determine if a second round of appeals is necessary.
Make your final decision regarding your preferred college. Submit your deposits by May 1st.
Enjoy your high school graduation.
Send your final official transcripts to your college.
Go shopping for your dorm room and enjoy your final summer before your college career begins.
It’s a long journey, yet every journey is completed one single step at a time. Take the first step today by reaching out to Your Guidance Office to schedule a no-obligation Student Enrollment interview with a college readiness coach.