Referral Services
If we were to use one word to describe the entirety of the college experience, it would be “transition.” Your student’s college years are an extended transition from childhood into adulthood. This is a transformative time during which your child will grow to better understand him-or herself, fine-tune goals for the future, strengthen lasting relationships, and build a foundation for lifelong success.
Every child’s experience is unique. Some students stride boldly forward, making new friends with ease and taking charge of their academics. Others are a bit more hesitant, taking time to dive into the college experience. No matter what your child’s personality is, Your Guidance Office can provide services that will support his or her college experience..
Enhance Your Child’s College Experience
Our college experience referral services are available at no additional charge to students who are enrolled in our college planning and coaching program. We strive to make every student’s college years a time of significant personal growth—but with a safety net. Explore the following:
- ID Theft Protection: College students are a prime target for unscrupulous identity thieves, as pinpointing suspicious activity is more difficult when the individual lacks a significant transaction history.
- Faith-based campus organizations: Your child’s faith can be a source of comfort as he or she explores unfamiliar territory. YGO can connect your family to faith-based organizations that offer student support on campuses nationwide.
- Textbook discounts: Parents and students are often faced with severe sticker shock when it’s time to purchase textbooks. In fact, during the 2019-2020 academic year the average cost of textbooks and supplies was $1,240. YGO can refer your family to sources of significantly discounted textbooks.
- Property protection: Sometimes, homeowners’ insurance extends to college students living in on-campus housing. Unfortunately, there are often strict eligibility requirements and coverage is typically limited. We can refer your family to reputable property protection coverage plans designed specifically for college students.
These are just a few of the referral services we offer. We encourage you to make full use of our resources by speaking with your student’s dedicated college readiness coach about your family’s needs and concerns. If you aren’t yet enrolled in our college readiness coaching program, contact us today to request a no-obligation Student Enrollment interview.